With Lunar New Year soon approaching, we all know what this means! Late nights and lots of snacking. With this once-a-year gathering with our loved ones, it’s easy to get carried away in the festivities and fun, only realising that you’ve neglected your health after it’s all over. To keep the post-CNY ills of sore throats, indigestion and fatigue away, read on to find out how Grandma Lotus’ selection of herbal brews can keep you in tip-top shape through the holidays.

We were born with a certain type of BC which was pre-determined by our parents’ BCs. Depending on how we respond to our environments (e.g. geographical locations and climatic patterns, lifestyle, eating habits and culture, life events, etc), our body’s physiology reacts, resulting in our BC to change gradually and can form a combination of more than one BC type, e.g. deficiency in qi and yin, dampness-heat and even stagnation of qi and blood, etc.