Herbal TCM brews, tailored to your needs.Understand your body type with our simple test and learn how you can boost your wellbeing.Take the test
Traditional Chinese medicine can be confusing.
Grandma Lotus is here to fix that.
Let Grandma Look At You
Our free body constitution test will identify your body type according to TCM principles.
Listen to what Grandma says
Get advice on how you can improve your health based on your unique needs.
Eat what grandma gives you
Choose from a range of recommended TCM products customized just for you.
Body constitution types in Traditional Chinese Medicine
Neutral 平和质
Qi Deficiency ⽓虚质
Qi Stagnation ⽓郁质
Blood Deficiency 血虚
Yin Deficiency 阴虚质
Blood Stasis 血瘀
Yang Deficiency 阳虚质
Heaty 火盛
Phelgm-Dampness 痰湿
We generally tend to possess a combination of constitutions with one to two dominant types that might change over time.
Understanding your body’s constitution can help you towards achieving a healthier internal balance.
Best Sellers
Tired Eyes Reliever
Metabolism Booster
Liver Fire Cleanser
Qi Booster
Dampness Relief
Day Starter
Calming Night
Beauty Bloom
Night Wellness
The 'Hangover'
Heat Buster
Floral Zen
Body Warmer
The Grandma Lotus Story
"Drink this. It is good for you."
A soothing touch, a gentle smile, and a fresh pot of herbal goodness – few things capture the essence of a grandmother’s love better.
For many, a visit to grandma’s never fails to warm the heart. But it does not need to stop there.
Now, you too can share the same comfort and affection with your loved ones, even if you’re not a grandma.
This is traditional herbal wisdom for a new generation. This is Grandma Lotus.